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Exploring the impact of ocean currents on sea turtles

Graeme Hays, Sabrina Fossette
Swansea University
(Abstract received 08/14/2009 for session E)

We are exploring how currents impact the movements of sea turtles throughout their lives. Hatchlings are small (a few grams) and so passive drift may explain a large component of their movement. However, hatchlings shown directional swimming with respect to the Earth’s magnetic field which may help them maintain their position within ocean gyres. Adults are large (sometimes several 100 kg) and powerful swimmers. It is not fully known how, or if, adult turtles are able to correct for current drift during their oceanic movements. While we have assembled a huge data-set of adult movements by Argos tracking we are only just starting to explore the role of currents in shaping these movements.

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