Lagrangian Analysis and Prediction of Coastal and Ocean Dynamics
LAPCOD VII :: Venice 2019 :: 17-21 June 2019
Venice 2019
Travel Information
Tourist Information
The local time is: 06:13 am

Venice 2019 - Agenda

Meeting Agenda

Topic A) Observation of the ocean circulation at different scales
Topic B) Theory of dispersion / transport / mixing - consolidated views and new trends
Topic C) Lagrangian instruments and data analysis techniques
Topic D) Multidisciplinary aspects of lagrangian oceanography

Mon:  A mix of talks from from all of the Topics.
Tue:  A mix of talks from from all of the Topics.
Wed:  A day of interactions via a group social activity.
Thu:  A mix of talks from from all of the Topics.
Fri:  A mix of talks from from all of the Topics.

Click on an above Weekday to see the Agenda for that Day.
The local time is 06:13 am


All presentation are sceduled for 20 minutes (16 min talk + 4 min Q/A)

More information will be posted when it becomes available.

No Meals will be provided.
Coffee will be served during the Morning and Afternoon Breaks.


More information will be posted when it becomes available.

Other Information:
More information will be posted when it becomes available.