Meeting Abstracts

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Dispersion patches prediction with NCOM model corrected with Lagrangian statistical characteristics. Sensitivity study

Julien Marmain, David Magnen, Anne Molcard, Angélique Haza
LSEET, Univ. Toulon, France
(Abstract received 08/24/2009 for session B)

The IMC (Inserting Missing Component) method (Haza et al., 2007), based on the insertion of an eulerian velocity correction term computed from drifters statistical characteristics, is applied to the DART (Dynamic of the Adriatic in Real Time) march 2006 data, during which 13 surface floats were deployed in the Adriatic. The ratios between synthetic and real Lagrangian decorrelation time scale (TL) and variance (σ2) are the essential parameters, both estimated from the autocovariance functions by different methods. The sensitivity to the statistical parameters computation is described, showing the importance of the chosen method in terms of mean and autocovariance computation. The IMC method is applied for the correction of dispersion patches in quasi real-time for short time advection.

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